best last minute wedding advice?

Welcome back to the blog! This week’s post is all about the final days leading up to your wedding day. You’ve finalized all of the details; your timeline is set; you’ve chosen the perfect vendors; everything has been decided…what now? How do you make sure everything is perfect?  I've put together my three best pieces of advice for the final stretch of days leading up to your wedding!


  • Tip #1 Check-In with all Vendors 

We always encourage all of our couples to check in with each of their vendors in their final month to make sure everything has been decided, and there’s no guessing on your day! Use your perfect timeline to double check that everything will be where it needs to be when it needs to be there so that you don't have to stress about anything on your wedding day! The last thing you want is your dj showing up to the wrong address making him late to your celebration. 

  • Tip #2 Get your Nails Done

This may be a given, but get your nails done, girl! There will be a LOT of photos of your hands to show off your new ring, and you’ll want to make sure that your hands are picture perfect. (Bonus points for a mani-pedi or facial!) Getting your nails done not only makes sure you're picture perfect, but it's also a great way to unwind and relax before the nerves set in. I generally suggest that you set your nail appointment to be no more than 2-3 days before your wedding so there's no chance of chipping or breaking your nails before the big day.

  • Tip #3 The Detail Box

My last tip is a doozy! Something that will save you stress, time, and energy the morning of your wedding is to put together a details box! The first thing we capture when we arrive at your wedding day is your details! The easiest way to make sure all of your details are captured is by putting them all together in a box with a label that says details so there’s no mistaking it! You can use a shoe box, a tote box, a target bag, or whatever fits all of your things. Also, if your fiancé will also have detail photos, you can either make him his own box or put them all together! Just make sure to communicate that with us so we are sure to capture his important details as well!

Here’s a list of common things to put in your box...

  • All rings (both bands and engagement) 
  • Something borrowed, blue, & new 
  • Invitation suite and save the save 
  • Necklace, bracelet, earrings 
  • Perfume & cologne bottles
  • Tie & tie clip or bowtie
  • Cufflinks 
  • Watch
  • Shoes 
  • Any other sentimental details you’d like captured 


The best detail photos always include flowers from your day!! If you’ve hired a florist for your day, during your vendor check-in call that I mentioned in tip #1, ask them if they could save a few extra blooms and stems for your photographer to use in your detail photos! Trust me, they’ll know what you mean, and it will elevate your detail photos by leaps and bounds!!! 

I hope these helpful tips come in handy in the last days leading up to your day! 

(Check out these gorgeous details to inspire you to put that details box together)