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tree frog photography

welcome to my blog

Today is the day! Today I am launching my BRAND! 

-excuse me while I freak out- 

For my first blog post, I felt it only appropriate that I tell you all a little bit more about myself! To understand me and what makes me tick, there are a few other people that you will have to get to know as well...  

First, my super handsome and all-around hunk of a husband Jake. <3 Jake is my other half. He is intelligent, handsome, determined, hilarious, and, did I say handsome? Jake and I met in January of 2017, and instantly became best friends. Our story isn’t a long one, but it's my favorite story to tell. (Maybe a future blog post!?) He is the owner of Powell’s Pressure Washing which he opened last year with his dad. He has such an entrepreneurial spirit and eye: he has a vision for our family and our future together, and it gives me such peace of mind knowing that he’s on it. Jake has taught me more in four years than I knew possible. Together, we have learned about trials, victories, failures, and everything in between. This year Jake has pushed me in all of the right directions. He's pushed me to find myself, to be the best mother that I can be, to invest in my future, and to, most importantly, stay grounded in the little things that make life and all of the pushing worth it! I am so thankful that God saw it fit that he would be mine. I would be lost without him. 

On December 12, 2019, Jake and I welcomed our little tree frog, Jesse Alexander Powell, into the world. He is the second person that you need to get to know in order to get to know me! Jesse is a tiny little ball of everything great about the world, and being his momma has taught me so much about life over these past 13 months. Jesse loves with everything he has. He looks at me as if I hold the all of the answers to all of life’s questions in the palm of my hand. Being a momma is scary, but the most amazing adventure that I’ve ever been on. Jesse and Jake are my world! They are the reason and meaning behind everything that I do and everything that I am.  

Our little family lives in Louisville, Kentucky! We have two doggos named Krieger Bop and Squanchy McNugget. When we have free time, you can probably find us hanging out at the zoo, or playing some good ‘ol rock'n'roll in our house. Jake plays the guitar and bass, and I play the drums and piano. We love to play together and share our passion for music with our little groupie. Jesse has loved music since the day we brought him home from the hospital. His favorite instrument right now is the guitar. (How many other one-year old's do you know that have their own fender?) We love board games, movies, campfires, and Dutch apple pie.  


WE ARE THE POWELLS, and this is a look into my life as the owner and face behind the camera of Tree Frog Photography. Make sure to follow me on Facebook, Instagram, and keep up with my blog here!